Saturday, May 21, 2011

Controller in final steps of creation.

I am sorry for not posting up any updates recently of my progress. On the other hand, I have made good progress with one of the most important parts connected to this project. This past week, I have been drawing and testing different controller designs  I could use  for my submarine. I found a comfortable design perfect for my hands. I will upload pictures of this design for feedback from the web about the design. I have already wired and soldered the switches, and mounted them to the control box. Still, I would  like to hear your feedback about the control box.

Also, I will be buying the bilge pumps really soon (week or so). If you know any information on where I can get a good deal on the pumps, that would come in handy. Just send me a email ( or leave a comment with the information you know.

Thank You.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final decision on motors.

After much debating, I have come to the decision of using the converted bilge pumps as the motors for my submarine. This decision will eliminate much of the issues I had with the motors on the old model submarine model I used early this year. These bilge motors are made to handle  high water pressure, which can come in handy later on when I test the sub in deep water. I plan to purchase  360 G.P.H (Gallon per hour) bilge motors. This size motors will be just enough for the size sub I will be building. Thank you Silverback for the information you left about your brother in B.A.E. I can use a person with that experience to assist me with my decision.

This solves my motor issue, next is the electrical issues I had with my old sub model.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Electric motors problems

The recent submarine model I had early this year had a lot of problems with it. The main issue I had with the sub was the electric motors. The motors were not exposed openly to the water, they were secured in a waxed injected plastic casing. Somehow water still managed to leak through the casing to the motors. Everyone knows electric and water does not mix together well. About a week later, the motors shorted out. I been searching the web all night, trying to find  a way to create watertight seal for the motors. The most difficult obstacle  is creating a seal around moving parts. I believe I have came upon a way to fix this. I found another blog on this same subject, that took me to a web page all about projects like my own at ( I believe this is the plan I am going to go with. It's simple, reliable, and cheat(In the Sea Perch price range). Instead of taking the risk again like early this year, I can buy it and hopefully never have to worry about this problem anytime soon.

Thank You Internet

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some quick pictures I was able to upload.

Help form the web.

This Sea Perch project is going to require a lot of time and work, and I am aware of that. One of the reasons I have created this blog was to not only share my project with the web, but to allow the web a chance to help me with problems I may encounter with this project. Feel free to leave comments that you believe may help me with this project. I will be posting pictures, hand drawings, and CAD models to go along with the post that I will be leaving. Spread the word about this blog to others that may have a interest or be a help to me. Between today and this Monday, I will try to post pictures up of the materials I have collected so far.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Last Minute Research

Okay this is the last post for today, but it is important information. I have been doing some late night research on the science behind the designs of submarines. I found a lot of useful information that can help me create a good design that can probably give me the best results in the contest. At ,I have found a lot of information on the evolution of submarine designs in general, and the engineers behind it all. I believe I will find more information, and read books on this subject. Until then, I will kept this blog updated.

Sea Perch Materials

I just went to the hardware store today and brought some half inch PVC piping. I already had the the fittings for the PVC piping I brought today. I plan to create a underwater submarine  using these supplies. This is for a project called Sea Perch that I have done this pass year. I created a early sub design for the contest but had some difficulties with the design and materials used. I plan to get a jump start for next year starting today. I created this blog to keep information on the progress I will be making. More information about this contest can be found at the link below.