Saturday, May 21, 2011

Controller in final steps of creation.

I am sorry for not posting up any updates recently of my progress. On the other hand, I have made good progress with one of the most important parts connected to this project. This past week, I have been drawing and testing different controller designs  I could use  for my submarine. I found a comfortable design perfect for my hands. I will upload pictures of this design for feedback from the web about the design. I have already wired and soldered the switches, and mounted them to the control box. Still, I would  like to hear your feedback about the control box.

Also, I will be buying the bilge pumps really soon (week or so). If you know any information on where I can get a good deal on the pumps, that would come in handy. Just send me a email ( or leave a comment with the information you know.

Thank You.


  1. Cool! I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

  2. Josh,
    This is a weird place to try and get a message to you, but don't have your number with me. I looked back and the registration document and another email I sent you did go to I resent them, but not sure why they are not going through. If you see this message and don't see emails from me then let me know ( or 215-266-1322).
